Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Q-tip Painting & Homemade Watercolors
Builds on: fine motor skills, color identification, life skills and creativity

This activity is so easy with very little mess and the kids get excited because they get to help by making the paint. Great for both Hoots and Roos!

What you'll need:
Neon and black food coloring
2 cups cold water
4 empty yogurt cups
thick rag towel
straws for mixing
10 large Q-tips
Jumbo Halloween coloring sheets 

What to do: 

Have the kids pour the water into the 4 empty yogurt cups as evenly as they can. Place the cups onto a thick towel that can get stained and let your Hoots pick out the colors. Say the colors clearly and repeatedly in sentences to help them remember the names. We chose electric green, purple, red and black because they are halloween colors.  Help your Hoots put between 4-10 drops into the water and stir with the straws. Make picture choices. Then place the pictures, q-tips and your newly made watercolors on to the activities table. Use the q-tip ends as the brush by dipping one end into a color and then making strokes on the picture to transfer the paint. Then just let the kids have fun!

*The more drops of food coloring you use the quicker it will stain surfaces making it less washable.

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